For the last month Wordze keyword tools has been downloading Google top terms and storing them into a database for anyone to download in an excel format.
The database is in real time, so it’s always updating and getting more data. As I type this, they have over 90,000 top Google terms for readers to download. All you have to do is provide their first name, and a valid email address.
Free Wordze Google Database Keyword News Letter
If you are serious about becoming a Web Master and making any money at it you need Keyword Tools. Essentially keywords are data that is gathered methodical. You cant guess keywords. They need to be carefully chosen.
Another great place to get free keywords is the Word Tracker Free Tool
Both Wordze and WordTracker have excellent learning tools to help you maximize your profits. It is highly recommended that if you are serious about making money on the Internet to upgrade to a paid subscription. You can start by the day month and year.!YzUxMgBVAAAU7EEAAkpA